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The GeoData Cooperative

The GeoData Cooperative’s mission is to modernize foundation GEOINT data production methods by leveraging the people, capabilities, technologies, and multi-INT data sources that exist across .gov, .org, .com, .mil, and .edu organizations.


The GeoData Cooperative is an innovative organization transforming traditional methods of global foundation GEOINT data creation by:

  • Producing high-resolution geospatial data of previously inaccessible areas


  • Unlocking operational and analytic applications for users within government, industry, and academia  

The Goal


To deliver global-scale, highly-accurate 3D data layers through dynamic data services that meet real-world military tempos and result in significant cost efficiencies to the United States Government.

We apply innovative algorithms, automation, machine vision, and high-performance computing to expedite the creation of high-resolution elevation models:

The GeoData Cooperative processes data at the country level, enabling global scope, and resulting in significant cost efficiencies to the federal government compared to traditional methods of production

The GeoData Cooperative's elevation models are unclassified to maximize usability and shareability

Our elevation data currently encompasses Ukraine, Eastern Europe, the Baltics, Western Russia, the Levant, portions of the Middle East, China, Taiwan, the North/South Korean border, Alaska, Greenland, and the Arctic above 60° latitude

By 2026, Cooperative-produced elevation models will cover the entire globe



Elevation Models

In addition to numerous military uses, elevation models can be utilized for many civil and environmental applications, including:

  • Flow channel characterization

  • Watershed mapping

  • Floodplain management

  • Coastal inundation

  • Landslide probability

  • Fault mapping & seismic monitoring

  • Shoreline delineation & sea level rise

  • Transportation mapping

  • Urban environmental planning

  • Planting & irrigation strategies

  • Landscape assessment

  • Commercial forestry canopy height modeling

  • Air navigation & safety

  • Telecommunication network design

The GeoData Cooperative’s Dynamic Elevation Models can be accessed via the Geospatial Repository and Data Management System (GRiD), an advanced geospatial database for the storage, processing, visualization and dissemination of Geospatial Data.

  • Access GRiD at

  • Sign up for an account via GEOaxIS or register for an account using

  • Virtual training is provided on the last Wednesday of each month

  • Contact Info:  (571) 721-2159;

Our Partners

Our Partners

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ASF-Logo-Black (1).png

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© 2020 by GeoData Cooperative

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